Wednesday, September 14, 2011

God-Focus! It Does Your Spirit Good ~ Pass it on!

"Today, I'm choosing obedience. Have been neglecting to follow through in some areas I have been called to do so I surrender!" This is the post I put out on my twitter page today. I put it out there as I took a break from doing one of the very things I was suppose to follow through with doing....Ironically, I realized at that moment that the only person who makes the choices for what gets accomplished in my life is ME!

Several months ago, I was seeking God in my journal. This was over a year ago in fact. I was asking what to do next. On the tear-stained pages, I had written that I was suppose to write a letter to two leaders in Christian Women's Ministry that I look up to in this area. I did not do it at that time because I thought, honestly, will they really ever read it? They are big wigs in the industry who have much more important things to focus on than taking any time for You know what God said to me about that? He said the only thing I care about is your obedience. Leave everything else alone. Hmmm, but I really think I know some stuff and I really like to have control. I saw how silly my lack of God-Focus is in life. Hello Amber, He is the Great I Am! This means that He not only created the universe and my Father actually ordered it into place but He keeps it all going. When I grasp the fullness of that I realized that my "stuff" and "control" and choices to do what I want to do really are not just silly but foolish.

The key thing I'm learning during this time in my life is that my plans are not bad. My talents and skills are strong and good but surrendering who I am to what He wants me to do is WAY better. Just because we are really good at something does not mean it is what we are suppose to do in life. The key is for each of us to embrace our place. Everyone that knows me very well knows that I'm huge on promoting that people need to follow their dreams and seek with all their heart those things that make them click. Not doing what we are really good at doesn't mean we don't follow our dreams. I think, it simply means that we move forward and do today those things we have to do, even though it may seem like it is off the course of our dreams.

I love the saying that says if the shoe fits wear it. But, in light of God-Focused living and setting our GPS (God Positioning System) towards heaven we might need to go shopping at a different store for shoes. I love wearing shiny, sparkly, high heels but lately I have been wearing my flip flops a lot. They both fit and both are getting me to where I need to be going. Although, I will not, and a major pet peeve of mine is, wear flip flops and a fancy dress or heels and athletic shorts. The key is balancing the right shoes with the right outfit. In life it is the same thing. It is about balancing our time with the right path. Honestly, it does your spirit man good. That is why I'm passing it on to you today. I feel like a million now that I wrote the letters, stamped the envelopes and actually put them in the mail. It isn't about a response or what happens but rather about my obedience.

The more we focus on the right plan for our lives and still embrace our dreams the closer we will get to the right fit for our lives. Go shoe shopping with me! No matter what kind you choose be sure they are the best look for your outfit and that you are following the G.P.S. to get to where you need to go! I am eXtraordinary! You are eXtraordinary! Let's focus and have obedience like it!

Friday, September 2, 2011

You Are Chosen! Embrace it!

It has been a while since I have blogged. It hasn't been accidental but purposeful. I have been in a place of learning and growth. Father has been teaching me the principal of sowing and reaping, listening and then doing, and the importance of living authentic to who you are created to be in life. This journey has been filled with joy unspeakable at times and moments of running up against walls that hurt at other times. I'm going to begin sharing with you the journey and encouraging you with what He has and is teaching me.

Last night, I had one of those moment. The one like I was just mentioning of running up against the wall. I am here to tell you that when you hit a wall and your running it leaves bruises. Now the great thing is that bruises will heal. The more healthy you are the quicker the healing over those painful areas will come. The interesting thing is that last night, the wall impact really did cause some tears. I cried for a long time and the realization of what I need to do to recover began to unfold as I became aware of the injuries sustained. The thing was this impact was actually because I turned the wrong direction and was trying to figure out my way without my GPS (God Positioning System). You see, I LOVE, hear me now, I LOVE acting! It is who I am to the core. I love every aspect of feeling, being, interpreting, and encompassing the character I'm playing. So, I had figured out a way for God to use me in this passion of mine. I was going to be in the Christmas production at my church. Now, while this seems like a great and honorable thing to do it was my own plan. I'm reminded that every time in the Bible that Peter figured out what was best to do to accomplish God's will it resulted in pain. Remember when he cut off the guys ear in rage? Yep, that was sure to cause some pain. Well, thankfully, my plan was halted. Although, last night, it didn't seem all that great. I went to church to attend the planning meeting and found out that auditions had happened the last two weeks and were closed and I missed out. Now to someone people they would not see that is as that big of deal but keep in mind I want to act and have felt like God is telling me to focus on Him this summer instead of pouring my time into auditions. For auditions to be closed it means I can't be in the production and even worse, I can't be used by God in the way I had planned (insert foot in mouth) "the way I had planned". - Um, yeah, not my plans by thine be done Lord....ok, lesson learned the hard way.

So, this morning God spoke into me during my quiet time and said, "Hey, Amber, you are chosen, remember? I chose you to do my work. I don't need you to do it or need you in ministry. I chose you to work along side me and be used in my ministry. Seek me and I will make you a fisher of men. Wow! I thought I was doing exactly what would allow me to fulfill my dream and His all at the same time. Reality check, His plan and ways is always more fulfilling and I need to seek His direction rather than attempting to plan it out for Him.

I hope you can learn from my humble sharing of how I hit the wall yesterday. Thankfully, I am spending time with Him and seeking a clear perspective on where He wants me in life. If not, the bruises may have taken longer to heal but, thankfully, the marks vanished this morning as I lined myself up with seeking His plan not my own. I can't wait to be used in the realm of my passions but in His way and His timing it will be a lot better!

Encouraging you today to know your chosen. There is a plan for you life. Seek Him and He will do an amazing work in you. Shalom!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hope House Orphan Care

Faisoni Chimcheua at Hope House 3 - One of the many faces of Malawi's Hope House Orphan. The eyes are a reminder of the pain and need encountered by the precious children helped by sponsors. You can sponsor a child for only $20 per month.